HomeFront page of this site | StandardsSummary of support for CSS and HTML standards | Tkhtml3Unix style manual page for the Tkhtml3 widget. | Hv3 Page for the web browser application hv3. Screenshots and starpacks for windows and linux are available here. | Hv3 Widget Page for the Hv3 mega-widget, a Snit based pure Tcl widget that adds some commonly requested functionality to Tkhtml3. | FFAQtkhtml.tcl.tk FFAQ | Cvstrac Cvstrac is used for project change-log, wiki and bug tracking. |
This website hosts the tkhtml.tcl.tk project, an experiment in creating modern web browser components based on the Tcl/Tk platform. Currently this consists of two pieces of software and their accompanying documentation:
Hv3 | Hv3 is a cross-platform web browser with support for modern web standards like HTML, CSS, HTTP and ECMAScript (a.k.a. javascript). |
Tkhtml3 | Tkhtml3 is a Tk widget that displays content formatted according to the HTML and CSS standards. Tkhtml3 is not an end-user application, it is for Tcl programmers who wish to embed a standards-compliant HTML/CSS implementation in their applications. |
There is a mailing list for Hv3 and Tkhtml3 hosted by Google Groups. You can join the mailing list, view the archive and post new messages by clicking here:
The Tkhtml3/Hv3 mailing list
Bug reports, enhancement requests and the project changelog are managed by a CVStrac installation. There is also a wiki where users can contribute content. Access CVStrac here:
CVSTrac - Bug reports, Enhancement requests, Changelog and Wiki
The source code for Tkhtml3 and Hv3 is bundled together as a single project for source code management purposes. It can be obtained either by downloading a release tarball, or via anonymous CVS.
Download the source code for the latest release (alpha 16).
Or to obtain the lastest source-code from cvs, use the following procedure (from an x-term or command prompt):
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@tkhtml.tcl.tk:/tkhtml login
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@tkhtml.tcl.tk:/tkhtml checkout htmlwidget
tkhtml.tcl.tk is an open-source project, and so requires community participation to succeed. All are welcome! Here are some of the ways you can participate:
Using Hv3 | Download Hv3 and browse the web with it for a while. Report any bugs, problems or incompatibilities that you encounter. Make some suggestions for improvements. |
Using Tkhtml3 | Write a program that uses Tkhtml3, or embed it into an existing program. Comment on your experience doing so and report any bugs. |
Join The Mailing List | Join the Tkhtml3/Hv3 mailing list hosted at Google Groups to discuss Tkhtml3 or Hv3. |
Help Out With The Website | As you can see, the website isn't up to much at the moment (ironic eh?). If you would like to help change that, or if you can help by building a mac osx build, please get in touch. |
Join The Development Team | If you can program in C, Tcl or javascript, then you are welcome to join the development team. Pick an aspect of Tkhtml3 or Hv3 you want to improve, post a message to the mailing list, and go from there. |
It is best to join the mailing list and post messages there. That way there is an archive of the message. Alternatively, you can send mail to one of the following contacts:
danielk1977@gmail.com (Dan - current maintainer)
drh@hwaci.com (Richard)